(505} 856-1004
(505} 856-1004
7834 Tennyson St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122
Zoom Events
9:30 AM Sunday -Contemporary Theology
11:00 AM Sunday - Worship Service
11:00 AM Tuesday: Bible Study with Pastor Sarah
Join us at Saint Chad's for Worship on October 6th at 10 AM! We are thrilled to celebrate Saint Chad's 50th Anniversary with them in place of our regular 11 AM service. This is a significant event that we are excited to share with you. If you can't join us in person at St. Chad's, you can view it online from St. Chad's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/stchads/
St. Chad's is providing lunch following the service. If you plan to stay for lunch at 11:30, RSVP to Hildegarde at cogs@ucccogs.org so that we can give Saint Chad's an estimate of how many people to expect.
Why are we taking this pilgrimage to our sister church? They invited us! A member of Saint Chad's asked if we would join them so they could formally thank us for playing a pivotal role in their founding. Before their founding, we shared our old church building on Juan Tabo with Saint Chad's for five years. Recently rediscovered news articles and church newsletters show we were incredibly close, hosting regular social events, youth programs, and charity fundraisers.
Please look at our Events page for more detailed information on this event.
Highlights from our September 29th Worship Service
A slide show, Blessing of the Animals, an upbeat performance by the Chancel Choir, and Pastor Sarah's Sermon.
A Welcome Message from Pastor Sarah
"Thank you for stopping by. If you are searching for an open, affirming church where the love of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ are front and center, this is the place for you. If you have never been to our church, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you."
~ Rev. Dr. Sarah TevisTownes
Join us every Sunday In Person, on Zoom, on YouTube
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